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Downloading Sewing Pattern Tutorial To Your iPhone

The following guides you through downloading the tutorial to your iphone & saving into iBooks. You can download the patterns too but these are best opened & printed via Adobe Reader on computer or laptop.

For this guide I'm using the Grab A Cuppa Cardi tutorial. This is our fabulously roomy cardigan with options for cropped or long. 



Sign in to your account & navigate to your pattern library (Menu > Pattern Library). 

step 1 downloading sewing pattern files to iPhone



Search for your pattern. Here, it's best to just use one word. Eg. Cuppa. 

step 2 downloading sewing pattern files to iPhone



Next you'll see all your files & download buttons showing how many downloads you have & how many you've used. Don't worry if you use these up, just email us via the contact us tab (Other > Contact Us) & we'll reset them for you.

Select the file you're wanting to download. In this example, it's the Grab A Cuppa Tutorial file.


step 3 downloading sewing pattern files to iPhone



Next you'll see page 1 of the file you're downloading. In this example is the cover page.

Select the download button (square with arrow). 

Step 4 download pdf pattern to iPhone



Scroll along the icons along the top until you get to the 3 dots. Select that. Then scroll down to iBooks at the bottom. 

Step 5 download sewing pdf file to iPhone



This will save the file to iBooks for viewing whenever you need to.

Step 6 downloading a sewing pdf pattern to iPhone guide

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