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ADJUSTING PANTS - High Hip Adjustment

ADJUSTING PANTS - High Hip Adjustment


If you have smile lines at the crotch you will likely need to lengthen the rise.

But look more closely at the length of the smile.

If your smile is more like a grin?

If it’s long, radiating from the crotch & pointing right up to your hip, it’s likely that you have a high hip curve.

So you just need more fabric length at the hip.


The fastest way to achieve this is to slash & open a wedge across the torso.

To test whether this is what your pattern needs, try releasing the waistband except for about 10cm (4”) at the front & back.

Do the lines look better? Less visible?

If so, follow these instructions to adjust your pattern. Click on image, then save to your phone or computer. 

Pants Sewing Pattern Adjustment Instructions - High Hip Adjustment


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