Do you have trouble sewing thick fabrics?
Does your sewing machine skip stitches trying to sew over bulky seams? Does your general presser foot not have the magic black button on the side?
It can be hard for your sewing machine to sew smoothly over bulky seams especially when topstitching hems & waistbands. An easy & effective solution is to make yourself a 'bumper'.
Both the Ladies Chelsea Skirt & the Girls Lovebug Skirt are fabulous in denim & knowing how to sew thick fabrics with this little trick comes in handy. Read on....
An easy & effective solution is to make yourself a 'bumper'.
Notice in this first photo, that the machine foot is on an angle as it tries to sew over the bulky seam as I sew the hem. Often what happens next is skipped stitches.
SO HOW DO WE FIX IT? It's not as hard as you think.
Once you've reached the seam, raise the foot with the needle down.
Next grab a scrap of the fabric you're using & fold it over a few times (I have ironed my fabric in half & then folded 3 times).
Slip your new 'bumper 'under the back of the foot.
Notice how the bumper levels the foot again (the front isn't angled up).
Now lower the needle & keep sewing to the next seam.